the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


If there's one good thing about the World Cup at the moment, its the supporters in the stands. As this picture depicts, the Swedish fans are probably the standouts.

Fuck Viduka, Fuck Kewell, I'm going for Svvvvvvvveeeeeeeeden and their MASSIVELY hot slut supporters!!!!!!!

C'mon Sweden C'mon Sweden C'mon Sweden......or should that be "Cum on Swedish sluts Cum on Swedish sluts Cum on Swedish sluts"????


Blogger Smackdog said...

I went to IKEA on the weekend and it was almost as good. From the hot svedish assistants to the general public. Hot shmoo everywhere. Ikea rocks.

June 26, 2006 7:30 AM  
Blogger red angel said...

nice picture

June 29, 2006 10:44 PM  
Blogger Smackdog said...

Yes red angel it is a nice picture isn't it? What would make it nicer is if the 2 in front undid somepants and went a group growl.

July 04, 2006 1:35 PM  

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