F.W.A.N.F.F - Part 3
Would you please welcome the newest addition to the Fuckers who are not Fucken Funny Hall of fame.
I know, I know…..You can’t believe it took this long for this germ to get the true recognition he deserves. WELL FINALLY THE WAIT IS OVER!..... ROVE MCMANUS COME ON DOWN ASS CLOWN!
This testicle is about as funny as a toddler with a box of Ratsack. What is it. The idiotic grinning smug Macauley Culkin look-a-like face you wanna smash with a cricket bat? The Dildonic questions, flirting and attempts to charm ‘lightweights” like the Veronicas?
Perhaps the other useless sidekick cunts on his show? The 10 Logies he’s won and then saying “fuck” in his acceptance speech. WOO HOO. What a fucken badboy! (lets face it, only teenage girls and pensioners vote on this shit – so you must be really proud)? Such ‘Hilarious’ segments as “WHAT THE….”? His moon head cancer victim survivor wife who he wheels out for some cheap publicity and sympathy? The quizzical odd stares and looks?.. I better stop…I’m punching keys through the bottom of my keyboard…..Deep breaths…. Be the tree…
It’s for all these reason and more. I’m sure you all have your own little reasons.
The King of FWANFF
I despise this cunt!
Surely his 'idol' Darryl Somers has to be next in line for FWANFF Hall of Fame acclaim???
This may just be the piss talking, but Rove McManus reminds me of the faggot that Monster axed at Byron. Girly piece of Crap!!!!
lets kill the fucker now!
Once again, Australia imitates some TV show that has succeeded in another country. Why the fuck do I want to watch this embryo that gets dressed in a bad shirt and a suit and punches out the lamest jokes with his mega mouth ADHD fat fuck mate.
Those people in the crowd, go top yourselves, and Rove, wipe that fucking stupid look off your face you shit sucking worm, YOU ARE NOT FUNNY!!
I think you may be right Ross. Darryl Somers is definitely a worthy candidate.See what we can do.
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