the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

King Harry vs Evil

After the diabolical refereeing performance in Brazil 2 Australia I got sent the transcript of what was actually said by King Hazza.
"Markus Merk you fucken Jerk are you out of your fucking mind ??!! Just cause they are the world champs and the best in the world they don't need your fucking assistance as well. 25 penalties to 9 ? Jesus Christ on a bicycle ! Every time they fell fell over you blew that fucken whistle!
I know I missed an open goal but that's beside the point.
I bet you you wear those stupid german leather pants with the ass cheeks cut out don't you? Come on admit it. I bet you've got them on right now underneath you neo-nazi prick.
And just remember who won the war cunt. Thats right not you mother fuckers. So get the fuck over it. What is this? Some form of cheap revenge. For Fucks Sake.
May you contract syphyllus from those hot brazilian chicks you've been promised..."


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