Wigger: 1. White nigger. 2. White person who copies black language, dress and culture.
Dear Wigger,
You are a useless cunt.
Why do white people want to be black?
The big cock thing aside, what the fuck is the attraction? You want to be poor and steal shit? (Move to Mt Druitt) Once you can buy a nice car you want to be accused of stealing it and beaten by white cops? You want your heroes to be criminals who turn out some putrid rap? Second album about how hard and poor they are written from their mansion. FFS. Or an overpaid sportsman who acts like a fucking child and then can't work out why people don;t like him or are charging him with criminal offences?
Of all the strange things I have seen in my time in North America this phenomenon is the most disturbing. Take into account I lived in Houston where it is the norm to carry a gun in your glovebox, be fiercely pro George W Bush and have crack addicts trying to sell you shoes while you are at work.
Possibly the most amazing thing about this phenomenon is that any self respecting black guy would punch the piss out of these fucktards on principle. Why is it that most wiggers are built like twigs, are uncoordinated but yet in some monster denial that they are in fact hard? I wonder whether black people or good redneck whites should get the licence to club these cunts on site.
I truly hope when I return to aus in a couple of months the situation isn't as dire as in Canada. I know being a basketball-loving, giant singlet wearing, massive hat sporting cockhead is the rite of passage for most aussie teenagers in Sydney but I thought you grew out of it or got stabbed on George St.
Luckily I have managed to move from annoyance and despair to humour in my workplace interactions with a severly advanced case of wiggerism. There's a guy i work with who is built like me if you stretched me to 6'2.
He has the usual delusions of hardness despite being a bespectacled weakling, does the little fist high five thing with the one black guy at work but what caught me off-guard was his blind use of wigger terms to people so clearly uneqipped or inclined to want to be black. My response to word ups, yo's, sups, etc is to grunt. I almost laughed out loud when my boss from Newfoundland, which is a fishing island that gathers the same amount of respect for its gene pool as Tassie, was referred to as "playa" when voicing a simple question. Then to top it off he marks his name down as O Dogg on his comapny gear! I deadset thought it was his last name for months before i worked it out as his slef appointed rap name.
Your name is Oliver and you grew up on a farm. You are a cunt.
Dear Wigger,
You are a useless cunt.
Why do white people want to be black?
The big cock thing aside, what the fuck is the attraction? You want to be poor and steal shit? (Move to Mt Druitt) Once you can buy a nice car you want to be accused of stealing it and beaten by white cops? You want your heroes to be criminals who turn out some putrid rap? Second album about how hard and poor they are written from their mansion. FFS. Or an overpaid sportsman who acts like a fucking child and then can't work out why people don;t like him or are charging him with criminal offences?
Of all the strange things I have seen in my time in North America this phenomenon is the most disturbing. Take into account I lived in Houston where it is the norm to carry a gun in your glovebox, be fiercely pro George W Bush and have crack addicts trying to sell you shoes while you are at work.
Possibly the most amazing thing about this phenomenon is that any self respecting black guy would punch the piss out of these fucktards on principle. Why is it that most wiggers are built like twigs, are uncoordinated but yet in some monster denial that they are in fact hard? I wonder whether black people or good redneck whites should get the licence to club these cunts on site.
I truly hope when I return to aus in a couple of months the situation isn't as dire as in Canada. I know being a basketball-loving, giant singlet wearing, massive hat sporting cockhead is the rite of passage for most aussie teenagers in Sydney but I thought you grew out of it or got stabbed on George St.
Luckily I have managed to move from annoyance and despair to humour in my workplace interactions with a severly advanced case of wiggerism. There's a guy i work with who is built like me if you stretched me to 6'2.
He has the usual delusions of hardness despite being a bespectacled weakling, does the little fist high five thing with the one black guy at work but what caught me off-guard was his blind use of wigger terms to people so clearly uneqipped or inclined to want to be black. My response to word ups, yo's, sups, etc is to grunt. I almost laughed out loud when my boss from Newfoundland, which is a fishing island that gathers the same amount of respect for its gene pool as Tassie, was referred to as "playa" when voicing a simple question. Then to top it off he marks his name down as O Dogg on his comapny gear! I deadset thought it was his last name for months before i worked it out as his slef appointed rap name.
Your name is Oliver and you grew up on a farm. You are a cunt.
On the furilla, my nigga. Hold the fort down and represent to the fullest.
Reminds me of a certain 3rd Grade back!
One of your best reports Lab. The country is bracing itself for your return.
Gents, if youre smart, start buying shares in breweries. Sales are about to go thru the roof coinciding with this lunatic's arrival!!
Is eminem a wigger? Coz he's a fuck too. Constantly whining bout his bitch missus and mumma.
Ok homies? represent and fuck yo bitches or what the fuck ever.
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