the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This is NOT a sport

I tried and tried and tried! I tried to give it a chance, I tried to see what all the fuss was about and in the end I tried to work out why I was getting up so early and subjecting myself to the so-called world game! The conclusion I reached was, in the words of the great Ford Farlaine "Just like masturbating with a cheese grater - slightly amusing, but mostly painful!"

There is no way known that soccer can in any way be called a sport. Ten pin bowling has more credibility as a sport than this crap. At least bowlers can drink during the game and some effort is required to make the pins fall over!

Only the softest of the soft would ever contemplate playing this gayest of all games. Soccer should be in its own fucking catergory with "interpretive dance" and "theater sports"!!

Could you imagine what would happen to these faggots if they got hit by Jerry Collins or had Willie Mason run over the top of them!
They would fucking die!! That is if they even knew what hit them!

A real sport shows highlights of the action in their commercials, the best runs, hits, scoring plays etc. But not soccer! its shows shots of clowns juggling balls at training or in a ghetto somewhere! I'm supposed to be sold on the game because some dentists delight named Ronalddumbo can juggle one ball?? Well whoop-de-fucking-doo, i've seen a bear ride a bicycle and Fonzie jump a shark! If I wanted to see morons fall over I'd go to people falling down and at least be amused by it!

I didn't know that Cirque du soliel had a world cup! And now that the clowns are finished do the elephants come on next?
As usual the poms invent a game and totally suck at it! And to top it off, other than Britain and Ireland, all the other english speaking countries all chose real sports as their national games and left soccer for children, gay immigrants, and spastics who cant catch!

People play soccer because they're too fucking scared to sit in the stands!!!!!


Blogger Buckerz said...

Suh fuckin ported

I only lost 5 hours of my life to this joke of a hobby but I will forever be bitter.

During the process of evolution, homosapiens developed thumbs enabling us to catch and pass with our hands. Thats why we are top of the evolutionary ladder. Any animal can push a ball around with its head and feet. For fuck sake Europe... Evolve!

July 11, 2006 8:44 PM  
Blogger Mr Devine said...

correct. as most posters here know, i have a gambling problem, especially sports gambling and the world cup was a gold mine, which got my interest in soccer way up- until the constant floppingand diving which is beyond belief. the english speaking countries will never again win a world cup because it is against our culture and beliefs to so blatantly cheat in publis- if it happened in an aussie, yank or pom sport the players would be shamed inot retirement.

July 13, 2006 6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great analegy finding soccer close to masturbating with a cheese grater - slightly amusing but mostly painful.

Another one would be " my hair, my hair, unfuncken believable"

July 18, 2006 8:48 PM  

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