the spray

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Lets Remember.............Mr. T

In keeping with current themes getting thrown about the spray, I thought it was timely to perhaps shift sideways and remember the one and only Mr T.

The original King of Bling, T was one tough muthafucka from the golden era of the A-Team and Rocky III.

No Faux-Hawks for this man. No siree Bob. The real deal my friends

A curious combination of action man, punk, sportsman, vigilante, actor, gangsta all rolled into one.

T would have no time for the wigga’s of today and I am sure would kicked 10 shades of shit out of their pale arses.

I always suspected he was gay, found it hard to reconcile his sexuality and as a result seriously overcompensated for it. But Fuck it. So what. I don’t care the T-man rocks.

Here’s a bit of T-trivia:

T, Mr. was born Laurence Tureaud on 21 May 1952 in the rough southside ghetto area of Chicago.
He is the second to youngest of twelve children and grew up in the housing projects. His father left when he was 5, and his mother raised the family on $87 a month welfare in a three-room apartment. (Brings a tear to my eye)

Famous quotes: "Next to God, there is no better protector than I!", "I pity the fool!" GOLD, GOLD, GOLD
At one time he was a bodyguard for former three-time heavyweight champion 'Muhammed Ali'.
Once worked as a bouncer and a bodyguard to Steve McQueen, Michael Jackson & Diana Ross.

Mr. T in 1984 released a rap album titled Mr. T's Commandments. (I recommend you get a copy)
After leaving college he was a Military Policeman in the U.S. Army before trying out for the Green Bay Packers. His professional football career was finished, however, by a knee injury.

Entered the world of pro wrestling in 1985-86 and 1994-95. Was Hulk Hogan's tag team partner at the first WrestleMania, defeating the team of Paul Orndorff and Roddy Piper on March 31, 1985. His feud with Piper continued into WrestleMania 2 in 1986, defeating Piper in a boxing match by DQ.

Well Done T and a worthy recipient of ‘Lets Remember….’

And remember..Word up and keep tight the fortress my broz.


Blogger Mr Devine said...

I pity the fool who doesn't love Mr T's work- especially in Rocky 3 which is possibly the funniest movie performance of all time

July 21, 2006 2:13 PM  
Blogger moo said...

I just pity the fool.

July 21, 2006 3:55 PM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Long Live T!

July 21, 2006 3:59 PM  

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