The conspiracy report - part 1
As you all know, I heavily subscribe to the conspiracy theory and folks, let me let you in on a little secret: Australians are dumb. Stupid. Ignorant. Bigoted. For years the sheep have been selectively breeding us into a race of gormless cretins. David Oldfield is their Anakin Skywalker. I should point out that I'm not saying every occupant of this scorched rock is stupid. There are rare flashes of brilliance like Darryl Somers, but sadly they don't make good press. If it's counter-intuitive the masses will flush it like a bad case of post-curry diarrhoea. What I AM talking about is the faceless masses so busy with leading their pointless little lives that they don't have time to think. Ever. About ANYTHING.
Now before you startprotestin, let me explain….
Is it coincidence that the earth quake that rocked the small town
So, the earthquake hits and those below 1km are lost. This is a real tragedy and will not be played down in this forum.
Now, lets back track a little….
The year – 1997. The place Thredbo.
A massive mudslide takes out a large portion of residential property. Many people lost their lives that night. The nation camped out the front of retravision stores all over the country (no one could afford television sets, nor the electricity to run them) glued to the TV in a state of shock. The liberal party having just been elected required a spin to take the heat off their about to be delivered budget, so they find, rummaging through someones garbage, an out of work ski instructor, plant him amongst the rubble and claim to have found a survivor. The nation cheers, the budget is delivered un-opposed.
The year – 2005. The place
The Liberal government have been under massive pressure to justify their existence in
So here we are on the eve of another budget. Petrol prices at an all time high and interest rates on the move. Coincidence that we have ourselves another feel good moment? I think not. Plants my friends, plants… Government stooges looking for the quick buck supported by a town that knows the truth but see an opportunity be put on the map thus increasing the land value, before the whole town is swallowed by mine subsidence.
It all makes sense when you say it out loud.........
supported!!!! Workers of the world rise up and over throw the filthy stinking cunt and his god bothering treasurer. in fact lets kill all the politicians- sedition laws my arse!!!!
I have seen the movie and I know what comes next. Nice knowing you pal!!
Fantastic report. I never liked the treasurer. Firstly, like the old Jake Sparrow pirate, treasure is always hidden. If a maggot is called a treasurer, that means he is hiding something.
Second, all photos of that slimy prick show him with this little content look on his face like the fag has a carrot up his arse.
You have my support. Ashame the secret squirrels will now be after me too. Ta ta, got to change my name.
Thanks Waz but your concerns are unfounded. I have a secret spiderhole I have been living in since I started my crusade for truth 10 years ago. I couldnt stand the clicking phones and dodgey pizza vans any longer.
Leave poor old Abbott and Costello alone! The extra $10 in my pay packet will go a long way towards higher petrol prices, interest rate hikes, neverending tollways, FUCKING beer tax, whenwillitallend???? CUNTS!!!
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