the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

'Keep this Assclown in League' Campaign

Straight out of the FFS files this one. I think the media (and of course the dense as fuck St George fans) are the only imbiciles even slightly concerned on whether this monumental tool leaves league and plays union next year. As far as I'm concerned, I reckon we start a petition to keep this boofhead in league so we can watch him choke with the Dragons in every finals series for the remainder of his career. Yes, he may be the best centre in the comp at the moment, but that is only due to the lack of quality three quarters currently in the NRL and the fact that Jamie Lyon is tearing the English Super League to pieces across the other side of the globe. Another of the very over rated variety of gimps to come out of St George (see inevitable sprays on Jason Ryles and Trent Barrett in future weeks), he was embarrassingly exposed as a one dimensional player when given the opportunity to play 5/8 in yet another Barrett absence a few weeks back, where all we saw was this hog tuck the ball under his fucking arm and run in similar scenes to one N Baker of Blueys Rugby. Great five eighth material Nathan Brown! If you're smart, you let him go and spend the money on a decent up and coming player who will play with passion and not for the cash as this leach obviously is, or if you're the ARU, you leave the Waratahs the fuck alone and ship him off to QLD or better still the Western Force where he will fall into the abyss of obscurity similar to Garrick Morgan's failed switch from union to league in 1995. So in your own words Gaz "Fire up cunt" and start doing youre game and club proud instead of umming and fucking ahhing on what you want to do with your career whilst the dollar bills ridiculously go up for your signature at the St George footy club. FFS!!!!

p.s. That head and stupendous jaw alone deserves 5 swift glasses across your face jerk!


Blogger Mr Devine said...

its bad enough having to cheer this overrated oxygen thief when he plays origin for NSW, but if i have to cheer him in a Wallabies jersey i will light myself on fire and giggle while i burn. my hatred of all things St George just multiplies daily

April 20, 2006 8:03 AM  
Blogger Smackdog said...

I'm with ya brother.
Is this the aftermath of a few cans at training? Bet you were stewing on this all the way home.

April 20, 2006 1:13 PM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Nuthin' like a few cans in the clubhouse to trigger the mind into action!!

April 20, 2006 2:02 PM  
Blogger moo said...

it seems to me that theres nothing unusual about someone wanting to get the fuck away from St George, being a loser must really suck. in the near future pawd will have to pull on a jumper just so they can save some face. lets face up to reality, souths command more respect

April 20, 2006 4:58 PM  
Blogger Smackdog said...

That Sure is a fucken big chin.

April 20, 2006 5:32 PM  

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