the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

F*ck Swimming

Fuck me do I hate swimming.
Firstly, it's a sport (actually its not really a sport, rather a physical activity*) for social misfits who are too unco-ordinated to play any real sports, you know, the ones that involve balls, scoreboards and those things. Swimmers also thinks that the following things are good ideas-
1. Getting up to train at 4.30 am every day to train
2. training for about 5 hours a day
3. never getting drunk or eating anything you'd actually enjoy eating
4. stinking like fucking chlorine all the time
5. hanging out with other fuckwit swimmers

It especially shits me that on free-to-air primetime TV we are shown any swim meet, even Olympic trials. ITS NOT EVEN INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING!!! Fair enough the Olympics, but thats IT! We should see swimming once every 4 years and then only if we are thumping Christ out of the Yanks- that is the ONLY interest in swimming.
The fact that swimming gets so much coverage is despicable- there are whole sporting leagues in Australia that cant get on TV yet watching a bunch of retards splash up and down a pool gets primetime coverage. All you are watching is a stopwatch and a splashing blur- it is the most tedious thing on earth to watch. We hang shit on soccer as a spectator sport but at least something interesting or spectacular occasionally happens. It just shows how stupid and blindly patriotic the TV stations and most sports fans in this country are when we watch the most boring sport on earth just because Aussies are good at it. Fuck I hate society sometimes.

(* stay tuned for my manifesto of what does and doesnt constitute a sport)


Blogger moo said...

I whole-heartedly agree, except, you forgot those idiot commentators who obviously went to the "Big Darryl Eastlake's School of Screaming Fuckwits Who Don't know Shit About Any Sport".
Add Piranhas then i'll watch.

March 27, 2008 5:15 PM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Glad to hear they got on the sauce and 'tried' belting each other on Saturday night.
Clash of the titans

March 31, 2008 9:14 AM  

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