the spray

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What a Bloody Rip Off !!

Meet Amy, she's 25 and a former Miss Texas constant. And to be totally honest I'd hit it. In fact, I'd crawl naked over broken glass to have a shot at her.

This is Debra, she's also 25, and even looking at these photos of her makes my right hand twitch uncontrollably. Would I hit it? You better fucking believe it!

The rest of these chicks I'd hit too. Right now! No Questions asked! They all rate on the rootability scale! Which brings me to my problem. As a somewhat typical male of the species, I find these examples of the female side to be quite attractive and very, very fuckable.

The point is, the one thing they all have in common is (no, they're not post op blokes.) that they're all teachers who've been convicted, or accused of, having sex with students.

How Come there were never bitches like this when I was at school??? When did female teachers start looking so good or start putting out for the students??

It's not fucking fair! In my day the teachers were all fugly bitches who'd scare the shit out of Freddy Kruger, now they're stunners who add a personal touch to their sex ed lessons.

Of course the wowsers are up in arms, and want them all to go to the chair, for endangering their "victims" mental development.

WTF!! I spent my high school years with a spike mullet, getting screamed at by a 140 year old nun telling me I'll go to hell if I even think about sex!! And these wowser cunts are worried about the mental health of teenagers now??? The same kids who are now the most absolute legends their schools have ever known???

Not all teachers who fuck their students are complete stunners and if you click here you can find a long fucking list of good and bad ones. After looking at the photos, I've decided that I'd hit of most of them.

Now, If an adult male would fuck them, imagine what a hormone charged teenager would be thinking!! It's not rape it's giving it away for free!! It's a service to the community!!

Have a look at the link and vote for your most or least favorite teacher in the comments.


Blogger George Of The Jungle said...

I like Debra...

July 19, 2007 4:23 PM  
Blogger Pawd said...

Franca and Antonia Munoz-Juvera are some hot looking bitches

July 19, 2007 5:04 PM  
Blogger George Of The Jungle said...

I have never seen a bigger forehead in my life then Franca's. There probably the only two that deserve to be in jail!!! UGLY as fuck!!! Also do you think Cathy Heminghaus has a hard time during classes. Its times like this that enables me to be happy about having my last name.

July 19, 2007 9:20 PM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Does Amber Marshall look familiar to you Herpsy???

July 19, 2007 10:26 PM  
Blogger moo said...

Heather lea burroughs would be more herpsy's type

July 20, 2007 8:39 PM  

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