the spray

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hate this guy

I am sure this germ of a sub human has been sledged before but he continues to piss me off so here goes again. As I was watching the mighty Dragons get off the bottom of the ladder today against the putrid Manly (how do you lose to the Dragons at the moment even without a few players), Phil Gould was at his annoying simpleton best. With around 15 minutes to go after a Dragons try to lead by 14 Gould comes up with the line "The dragons are going to get a win here". As per usual it lead to 2 Manly tries in quick succession and they almost stole the game in the last minutes. FUCK YOU GOULD. We dont win many and you almost cost us. SHUT YOUR COCK SUCKING MOUTH and let the teams play without you jumping on and off their backs all the time. I thought the fact he is wearing a Panthers jersey was ironic becasue I hate them too.


Blogger Mr Devine said...

Pawd, this is becoming a worry, I have to agree with you again! What a fucking bandwagon-jumping arrogant fuckwit this grub is. Any team that plays well for five consecutive minutes is his new favourite. when the Roosters were good, he was constantly claiming credit, now he wants nothing to do with them. If they get him again for Origin after punting Murray, I may have to go for fucking Queensland. Fuck I hate Gould, the king of making beedingly obvious statements, and then passing it off as "analysis" when what he was dribbling about happens. You didnt invent rugby league you painful cunt. I think I'll stop now before I throw the laptop through the fucking wall.

July 01, 2007 7:57 PM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Can we edit the title to 'Hate this Gay'

Dribbling cunt

July 02, 2007 8:23 PM  

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