the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How In Gods name will we ever cope?....

I am in a shattered state of shock. Trying to get myself together after Naomi's sudden resignation from Today Tonight.


Last night while channel flicking I happened across Naomi on the verge of tears "ending weeks of speculation about her future". Like anyone cares bitch! This longwinded self-indulgent announcemant had a tone of "I'm sorry, it had to happen but you'll all be ok". Fuck off weirdo, I could hear the collective sigh of 'Thank Fucken God' like a fucken airbus roaring overhead.

This announcement had me transfixed like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Then I had to laugh.

Other Naomi Highlights:

In March, her relationship with an associate of a convicted drug dealer was plastered across newspapers.

In May a newspaper claimed she had a make-up truck at her disposal while covering the Beaconsfield mine collapse. (Robson took the rare step of responding on air, saying the story was "made up".)

In September Robson was criticised for presenting the show in khaki with a lizard on her shoulder the day after Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin's death,

Also in September, with a film crew, expelled from Indonesia while attempting to retrieve a young boy from cannibals.


Blogger Roscoe said...

Agreed 100% SmackDog. Good riddance slut!

I must say that Monday night was the worst night of television I have witnessed on Channel 7 in a very long time. First Robson's 'resignation' and then the debacle that was the 'Comedy Relief' special. Absolute disgrace is all it can be described as. I've laughed more at funerals. And as for that c*nt Micallef, more on him later! C*nt!

November 29, 2006 8:37 AM  
Blogger moo said...

Maybe she can get a job with People Magazine or the Melbourne Truth.....oops sorry I forgot - she doesn't have enough credibility to work there.

November 29, 2006 3:47 PM  

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