Jack Daniels' odds shorten for Carnage in Canberra II
Bookmakers have scrambled to slash the odds on Jack Daniels for the Kerry Packer and Consumers trophies after some frightening form in the lead up weekend to the Carnage in Canberra II: Quentin vs His Brain. One of the more well regarded consumers in the PDC, Daniels threw down the gauntlet for this weekend when a couple of beers at the pub and a game of poker at a mate's saw him arrive home at 8.30am Sunday straight from the game.
Having abandoned his family all night Daniels pushed his endurance to the limit taking his hangover and twin babies to a kids birthday party on the Sunday as penance.
In an interview with the PDC Spray Daniels remarked how he was eager to hit Canberra this weekend where distractions such as family would be removed allowing him to happily push through the entire weekend gambling and drinking non stop.
The most frightening aspect of Daniels' comments to his competitors was the simple fact they were said in no way as a boast but simple enthusiasm for his heart's desire.
Daniels is no stranger to 12 hour+ stints in casinos and has the form on the board returning to Canberra after surviving as the Buck in the original Carnage in Canberra, where it took until the last moments of the three day slopfest and some extremely warm beer to even make him spew let alone slow down.
for a really interesting weekend someone should handcuff PAWD
to jack
I remember (vaguely) the first night and morning of Indy when Jack and Pawd were indeed handcuffed together at a black jack table in Jupiters, and had to be thrown out because they abused the dealer for being a "fuckin dickhead"!!! It is indeed a love to love relationship.
Handcuffing is too good for them
Youre absolutey correct Buckerz. PAWD was kicked out of Jupiters with Jack at midday Saturday for quoting to the dealer: "Youre a dickhead"
Card Dealer: "Why??"
PAWD: "Because you keep giving me shit cards!!"
Ahhh 3 day benders......Youve gotta love em!
Shit!.. I hope the kebab shops are well stocked or there could be trouble.
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