the spray

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

CRIKEY!!.....Greer you SUCK!

Steve Irwin was a bit cheesy and made you cringe sometimes but the good far outweighed the bad. Sure he fed crocodiles while holding his newborn and sometimes illegally encroached on the space of penguins, seals and humpback whales in Antarctica, but he fucken loved animals. The man definitely had charisma and an energy that brought a smile to many a face. You couldn’t help but like the guy, even when you tried not to. His positive contributions to the environment and raising Australia’s profile were without question.

Now don’t get me wrong. I didn’t love the bloke but he was happy and he seemed like a good fucken aussie. He especially didn’t deserve to get stabbed in the heart by some fucken stingray.

So who the fuck does Germaine Greer think she fucken is to comment, especially when the man isn’t even in the ground yet and has a grieving young family? For example:

"The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin, but probably not before a whole generation of kids in shorts seven sizes too small has learned to shout in the ears of animals with hearing 10 times more acute than theirs, determined to become millionaire animal-loving zoo-owners in their turn," Greer wrote.

"I find the whole Steve Irwin phenomenon (embarrassing) — and I'm not the only person who did,"

And those who had mourned him with their tributes at the Irwin family's Australia Zoo in what the British had labelled "a Princess Diana moment" were "idiots", she said.

She told A Current Affair in an interview with presenter Karl Stefanovic she did not understand Australians' sense of loss for Mr Irwin, who had exploited animals by telling the world how dangerous they were and then treating them with disrespect.

Ms Greer said Mr Irwin had not treated animals with the respect they deserved.
"He would tell you how dangerous they were and he would proceed to intrude on their space and humiliate really - treat them with massive insensitivity," she said.
"It's no surprise he came to grief."

This bitch is some supposed intellect, some bitter and twisted femo academic ex-aussie, who fucked off to the U.K. and now sits back constantly slinging shit at Australia and Australians whenever she feels moved.
Fuck off and die Greer you insensitive, vile, putrid, nasty, aussie hating cunt of a thing. You are nothing and your opinions mean nothing.
Fill this bitch with concrete and let her go and be with the stingrays.


Blogger lee said...

What a slag she is. A slag trying to get publicity for herself - she's been around long enough to know how it works. She's just plain OFF.

September 07, 2006 6:18 PM  
Blogger moo said...

It is a well known fact that Australians tell all of their no-talent losers to fuck off to pommyland so they don't pollute the gene pool.
This oxygen thief never had a clue as to what it is to be an Aussie, yet she claims to be some sort of mutant mascot and expert on Australian affairs.
To her I say "Shove your head back up your arse and keep it there you fucking toad faced whore! When you die (and i pray it's soon) the headlines will read - DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!"

September 08, 2006 6:22 AM  
Blogger Mr Devine said...

As always, Smackdog is dead on the money. Is she planning to come over and piss on his grave during the funeral too? Yes the grief is a bit overdone, but it was for Di and is for every celebrity. If she doesnt like Irwin, shut the fuck up and show some respect anyway, now's not the time. And I never heard any of her tired bleatings on the subject while he was alive. anyone who interviews this irrelevant old hag is just as bad as well- she does not deserve the airspace.

September 08, 2006 2:33 PM  
Blogger Buckerz said...

Looking at the posted pictures of this jumped up whore, it looks like she has been dead for several years. Glass the slut!!!

September 11, 2006 7:35 AM  

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