the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What the Fuck is Going on over there??!!

Yes we all know, Australia will more than likely get out of this mess with a Gilchrist 200 and a 9 wicket haul from SK Warne in Bangladesh's 2nd innings, but that won't stop me in giving the Australian cricket team the spray they so desperately deserve after 2 diabolical days in the 1st Test against the test cricketing minnows of Bangladesh. Yes, some of you may say, well they thrashed everyone out here in the Australian summer as well as the whitewash of those arrogant imbociles in South Africa, but what the fuck are they currently doing embarrassing our entire country with yet another pitiful display against these useless park cricketers located somewhere near the cave of Osama Bin Laden??!! As SmackDog would say FFS Australia, stop giving the poms even more ammunition to pizzle us with when they invade our country's shores in late October, and wake up to yourselves and start playing some decent cricket over there. You have 7 months off after this series FFS, so pull your fingers out and perform your national duties admirably, not in the miserable fashion you are constantly going about your business in Dhaka! FFS!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Mr Devine said...

possibly the greatest sporting debacle ever, even if they somehow get out of it

April 11, 2006 6:59 PM  
Blogger Smackdog said...

Right on brother! FFS !!!!
Has the world gone mad ???

April 12, 2006 2:06 PM  

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