the spray

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cool or Gay

I'm completely unsure whether this is the coolest tattoo I've ever seen, or the gayest?

Now I admit it's a brilliant piece of ink work, the torn flesh looks excellent, and very life like, with the spiderman costume showing underneath.

But FFS it's fucking spiderman!!

Out of all the super heroes to choose from, spiderman is by far the most pathetic! The only reason he hasn't been outed yet is because he's still a fucking virgin. We know this because the two blokes after a piece of his arse are called Dr Octopus and the Green Gobbler. And whenever they try to jump him he runs away, only to start chasing after them for more attention!

The sooner Spidercunt is fucking killed off the fucking better!!

As for cool super heroes the coolest by far is below.


Blogger Mr Devine said...

maybe cool,definitely gay

May 16, 2008 5:11 PM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Fuckin GAY!

May 20, 2008 10:38 PM  

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