the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Farewell to a Ledgend

Before most of the Crusty Demons were born there was EVEL KNIEVEL.

The quintessential showman and daredevil, he made the jackass and crusty demon crews look like rank amateurs.

If there was a slight possibility that you could jump it on a bike he would try it, including Snake River canyon on a rocket powered bike.

Like those who followed he also did it for the "booze and chicks".

My mother (and every other mother) hated this man with a passion. Because of him every kid wanted to be a daredevil stuntman, including my brother and myself.

We would launch ourselves down ridiculously steep hills on our treadlies at a ramp made up of a fence paling balanced on 3 or four bricks. To add to the fun we would add junk to jump over to set the "New World Record". This included spare bricks and fence palings, old tires, a bike, and, until mum caught us, my sister and cousin.

Farewell Evel, you were an inspiration and role model to an entire generation.


Blogger Smackdog said...

geez moo. that was a real tear jerker

December 05, 2007 12:29 PM  

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