the spray

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Things that shit me #432

This is the worst show since Big Brother and Australian Idol merged to show us how annoying and untalented people can be, by putting it on every sunday night and claiming people actually watch it!

It's hosted by some ex boy/fag band yank who looks every bit of a man who knows just how far his career has sunk to see him hosting a shit tv show on the other side of the world. It is blatantly obvious to everyone bar the network executives, that even he thinks that the whole concept is a fucking retarded idea.

So here's the basic concept - Attention starved retards get pulled out of an audience that consists of hard done by fags who never got a part in Priscilla the musical and fat ugly 35+ year old chicks who had no friends in high school.

Once picked, the "lucky" retard then assaults the eardrums of everyone else by making up random lyrics to 80's songs that weren't popular the first time around, all the while impersonating a cockatoo with throat cancer.

To make matters worse it seems to be compulsory to dance the "Murwillumbah Shuffle" whilst murdering the song. For those of you not clued in, the Mur'bah Shuffle is the dance of choice for un-co white people in bowlos and RSL's in every country town in Australia. You know the dance. You've seen it. Hell i've seen it done at the Lappo for christ sake!

Channel 9 wonder why the arse has dropped out of their ratings? My guess is because they keep putting on shows that make people's eyes and ears bleed. Kerry Packer must be rolling in his grave at the state of his precious network. It's enough to wake the dead.


Blogger Roscoe said...

Sunday night is about the only real chance I can get some quality couch time in after a usual messy Saturday night, and it just so happens to be absolutely the worst night of television on free to air bar none. To resort to having to watch Bingo or the just as atrocious Australian Idol with its Star Wars character-like 'contestants' as a way of dodging the Singing Bee atrocity speaks volumes for its putridness. Its definately time to ring Foxtel!!

November 13, 2007 9:48 AM  
Blogger Smackdog said...

I don't mind Aussie Idol. Just some young ones having a go and they can sing as well. Good family entertainment.

November 13, 2007 10:12 AM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Too many handclappers on there this year I'm afraid. Take that shit back to the Hills District. No need to subject us to that

November 14, 2007 8:43 AM  
Blogger Smackdog said...

Bit of a point there. Fucking cults and radicals infiltrating every part of society. Is nothing sacred?

November 14, 2007 2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how does anyone survive without foxtel?

November 16, 2007 6:43 AM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

Its like living in a 3rd world country

November 16, 2007 8:56 AM  

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