the spray

Welcome to the spray! The pdc's latest outlet for venting frustrations or just an idle comment.

Friday, August 31, 2007

...two lebanese guys approach a large bearded, tattoed man, with a tooth missing, and ask him if they can have their friend back.
The friend in question is unconscious at the cross dressed man's feet.
"Just get him the fuck out of here"...
This is one of the foggy memories told at training the next week and I can think of no better reason for an ongoing relationship between the Blueys and the Canucks after what happened on our annual "Best Dressed" night several weeks ago.
The basics of this are to get dressed as chicks, drink ridiculous amounts of cheap booze and, for the singles, try to convince a woman to have sex with you while wearing a dress.
Things got a little more interesting with the mixture of Lebo's into the mix. Latched on to a hen's night a group of about 10 Lebbo's took a dislike to one of our young blokes pestering the women and another Canuck had to step in. Minutes later the peacemaker has been king hit on the dance floor and Curtis, the young bloke (Sunshine) and a couple of Lebbo's have been ejected from the nightclub.
Pytka, (far left) decides to pop outside and sees two Lebs hanging from Curtis' arms while he pounds another one and Sunshine being choked on the ground by two others. He knocks the first bloke out with a punch and then has to chase the other down the road to knock him senseless before coming back to help Curtis.
Quickly all the Lebbos had assembled, obviously sensing an outnumbered fight that they love so much, and things got tough for a few seconds until 15 or so big, ugly women pour out of the nightclub and smash the shit out of them and surprise, surprise without the advantage of numbers decide fighting is not such a good idea.
Much rum had been consumed but I retain a blurry memory of strolling down the road to see clusters of rugby players in drag whaling on hapless cunts until they fled or regrouped and found one bloke alone again. Pytka meanwhile looked like a kid in a candy shop, strolling down the road punching into whoever he could find left in the scrap.
Honourary Australian I say!

Meanwhile I got into a fight with an actual girl after I decided to stop her from kicking one of our guys in the head while down. While I was ducking swings and laughing at her, my ALbury mate Ben came over and added "leave him alone you dopey slut". She replied "You wanna fight me too?". "No I want you to fuck off you stupid slut".

Before this relocated Mount Druitt resident could attack again a Canuck girlfriend came out of the crowd, threw her to the ground by her hair and proceeded to kick the shit out of her ribs across the width of the road. My tough guy image is intact.



Blogger Smackdog said...

Is that Tom Pitman far right? Fuck me dead he gets around. Not enough time to smile for the camera, he's scouting for his next chick! God love him.

August 31, 2007 3:01 PM  
Blogger moo said...

Seriously, how the fuck are you still alive Labby????

September 02, 2007 10:17 AM  
Blogger Roscoe said...

You are a ridiculous 'human being'

September 03, 2007 11:35 AM  

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