the spray

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

0.368 !!!

Drunk driver's breath test frightens police
The AGE - August 6, 2007 - 11:33AM

A 48-year-old Adelaide man has returned a blood alcohol level seven times over the legal limit, prompting police concerns for his health.

A police spokesman said the man's car was stopped at suburban Rosewater on Friday night where he blew 0.368.

"The reading was in fact so high police took the man to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to have his condition checked by doctors," the spokesman said.

After being cleared, the man was charged with drink driving, driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle and driving while disqualified.

He was bailed to appear in the Port Adelaide Magistrates Court at a later date.

This guy is obviously superman! I can't believe he was alive, let alone driving a car. And as for driving an unregistered and uninsured car whilst disqualified, how the fuck would he have known all that in the state he was in?

Hmmm maybe he was on his way home from footy training?


Blogger Roscoe said...

Has Denis been posted to SA???

August 09, 2007 8:37 AM  

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