the spray

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mother of the fucking Year

Woman Accused Of Being Drunk, Letting Toddler Drive

While a designated driver is a good idea if you've been drinking, Goshen Township police said one woman's driver was a bit too young.

An officer said he pulled over Marya Green at the intersection of Buddy Lane and Park Avenue at the Green Acres Mobile Home Park on June 3.

The officer said that when he came to the driver's window, he found that Green's 1-year-old son was at the wheel, sitting in Green's lap.

Green, 29, registered a .11 percent blood-alcohol level. Two other children, ages 8 and 5, were also in the car.Green was arrested and faces charges of DUI, driving under OVI suspension, noncompliance, and endangering children.Police said this is Green's third DUI arrest in six years.The children were released to their father, police said.


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